Edorium Journals is dedicated to publishing open access academic journals which will be known for good content and highest ethical practices.

Edorium Journals give a guarantee of prompt, time bound service. It will be our constant endeavor to use unique and innovative methods and cutting-edge technology to reduce the submission to publication time as much as possible.

The time from ‘submission to first decision’ including editorial review and peer review is six weeks or less. The time from submitting 'page proof corrections to publication' is less than four weeks.

We guarantee that:

    We will give first decision on your manuscript within six weeks of submission.

    We will publish your manuscript within four weeks of receiving page proof corrections.

We also guarantee that:

    If we are unable to give you first decision within six weeks of submission, we will give you a 75% Discount Voucher, which you can use to get 75% off Article Publication Charges on your next manuscript accepted for publication.

    If we are unable to publish your manuscript within four weeks of receiving page proof corrections we will give you a 75% Discount Voucher, which you can use to get 75% off Article Publication Charges on your next manuscript accepted for publication.