Edorium Journals Abstracting & Indexing

The journals published by Edorium Journals are covered in many Abstracting and Indexing databases. The journals are also under evaluation in many such databases. As each journal fulfills the requirements of various Abstracting and Indexing databases, we will apply for inclusion of the journal immediately. This page will be updated regularly to give the latest information.

Journal NameAbstracting and Indexing Databases
International Journal of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology (IJBTI)Index Copernicus, Pubshub, Airiti Library, CNKI Library, Ulrichsweb, HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme, J-Gate, Google Scholar
International Journal of Case Reports and Images (IJCRI)Index Copernicus, Pubshub, Airiti Library, CNKI Library, Ulrichsweb, HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme, J-Gate, Google Scholar
International Journal of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases (IJHPD)Index Copernicus, Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index, Pubshub, Airiti Library, CNKI Library, Ulrichsweb, HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Case Reports InternationalAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Anatomy and EmbryologyAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of AnesthesiaAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of BiochemistryAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of CancerAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of CardiologyAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Cell Biology Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of DentistryAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of DermatologyAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Disability and RehabilitationIndex Copernicus, Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of GastroenterologyAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Gynecology and ObstetricsAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Infectious DiseasesAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Maternal and Child Health Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Medicine Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of Microbiology Airiti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium Journal of NeurologyAiriti Library, J-Gate, Google Scholar
Edorium OpenGoogle Scholar, J-Gate
Edorium Journal of OphthalmologyGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of OrthopedicsGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of OtolaryngologyGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of PathologyGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of PediatricsGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of PsychiatryGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of PsychologyGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of Public HealthGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of RadiologyGoogle Scholar
Edorium Journal of SurgeryGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in Dentistry Google Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in Infectious DiseasesGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in Medicine Google Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in Obstetrics and Gynecology Google Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in OncologyGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in OphthalmologyGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in Orthopedics and RehumatologyGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in OtolaryngologyGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in PathologyGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in PediatricsGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in SurgeryGoogle Scholar
Journal of Case Reports and Images in UrologyGoogle Scholar
Video Journal of Biomedical ScienceGoogle Scholar
Video Journal of Clinical ResearchGoogle Scholar